Rebecca's Baptism

Rebecca was baptized on October 16, 2010

Rebecca blev døbt den 16. oktober 2010

Bob McKee, Beth, Rebecca

Bob McKee, Rebecca entering the pool

Bob McKee and Rebecca in the pool

Bob McKee and Rebecca in the pool

Bob McKee and Rebecca in the pool, Rebecca being baptized

Bob McKee, Robert Grimes, Rebecca, Christina ?, Amy McKee

Bob McKee, Robert Grimes, Rebecca, Christina ?, Amy McKee

Robert Grimes, Rebecca, Beth

Rebecca, Christina ?, Beth

Bob McKee, Rebecca, Christina ?, Robert Grimes, Amy McKee, Beth

Rebecca, Robert Grimes, Christina ?, Amy McKee, Beth

Rebecca, Robert Grimes, Christina ?, Amy McKee, Beth

Robert Grimes, Rebecca, Christina ?, Amy McKee

Rebecca, Christina ?, Amy McKee

Rebecca, Christina ?, Amy McKee, Beth

Beth, Monica, Rebecca

Beth, Monica, Rebecca

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